Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Intentional Selflessness

Being selfless is something that I think I do pretty regularly. Today I was reading some blogs and realized our culture is so very self oriented and selfish. We've been so very blessed in this adoption process by so many of our friends and family, how better to pay it forward than set out to complete some selfless acts of kindness? I encourage you to play along, make your own list, be selfless. I made a list of 10 things to be intentionally selfless in 2013 and then I made a big list of 52 to do in 2014 (one for every week). People are human and I may fail in completing some of these things, but that's part of the journey.

What's so good about selflessness? This is all my opinion so take it for what it's worth, but, I believe selflessness is all about encouraging those around you. I wasn't sure what selflessness meant to me when I undertook this list. As I brainstormed up these acts of kindness I realized a lot of things. As a Christian selflessness is being Christlike. Doing things with others in mind and not yourself. Sacrificing things you want or want to do in order to help or bring encouragement to others. Laying down your own needs and filling the needs of others. I know I'm going to learn a lot in this adventure and I hope it changes me for the better. As a human being selflessness is being different. It's thinking about others in everything you do. It's being a better friend, daughter, wife, mother, neighbor, and employee (or boss). It's taking the "me" culture and changing it to a "them" culture.

Here's my list of 10 in 2013:
1.       Send a missionary a Christmas gift
2.       Donate collars and dog food to the shelter
3.       Pay for the person behind me in the drive thru
4.       Send 4 letters of encouragement
5.       Babysit for someone for free
6.       Give a Christmas gift to someone in need
7.       Ask 10 people what I can pray for for them
8.       Give the mail man a gift
9.       Give our neighbor a gift
10.   Walk the dogs for a whole day for Kevin

My list for 2014 might change some still so I'm gonna hold off on posting it until 2014 comes closer.

If there's one thing you can do for me while I work on this goal it's pray for me or encourage me.