Monday, March 31, 2014

Detour: part 2

It's so hard to find the time and mental ware-with-all to type out blog posts now! So here goes nothin!

We took our time coming home from Texas. Baby Jack is the most perfect road trip baby! We usually had to stop before he needed to! I was never more happy to see the Cincinnati skyline! With being in a car for two days straight we really needed a quiet day of bonding with our boy.

It was tough transitioning from road trip to normal everyday life. Jack was sleeping 5 hour blocks in Texas and then he got his schedules flipped from sleeping in the car all day for 2 days. Since then he hasn't quite figured out his sleep schedule again. So that's been tough! Good thing Jack's grandma comes everyday to hold him so I can get some stuff done! We had some incredible people bring us meals and just love on us!

Then my parents came to visit for 2 weeks!

The past 9 weeks have been a whirlwind of crazy times. Little Jack has grown so fast! He's doubled his birth weight already!

Now every time I hold Jack I can't stop thinking about how we'll not have this time with Kora. Our bonding with her will be much different. Instead of having people over to meet her right away we'll have to go into our cocoon for a while and bond as a family.

While I'm writing about Kora I should also add that because of our "detour" we need to start over again with fundraising for our girl. We believe God knows who our children are and where they will be born. He called us to adopt Kora and we will fight to bring her home. He called us to adopt Jack and He made it happen. He will make a way for Kora to come home, I am confident in that. I'll have more details about how you can help us with Kora's adoption (and the loan we took out for Jack) soon.

Well that's about all I have to say right now....