Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Giving Tuesday 2015

Today is the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving. A day where many people will focus their money on a charity, or their time in helping others. It takes a village to bring a child home through adoption. I'm going to give you a few examples of how to be that village today!

1. We are accepting donations through PayPal. There's a nifty little button off to the right that is yellow and says "Donate" simply click it and you'll be given the opportunity to donate financially. Things your money will go to are: flight expenses, dog boarding fees, adoption fees, unexpected expenses in country etc... THANK YOU for partnering with us!

2. Give of your time. Love dogs? Have time to "house sit" for us while we're traveling? We would LOVE to not have to board our dogs this go around. They can't be around other dogs so you'll need to be just bringing yourself to our house and be ok walking them around our yard at 6am, 2pm, and 8:30pm (sometimes more cause they're needy, we can adjust schedule so you can manage it on a lunch break at work etc..)

3. Buy a t-shirt! Click here to purchase a super awesome T!!  
We receive about $10 from every shirt bought. We must sell 5 for them to print! Ends December 20th

 4. Buy an ornament! We're asking for a $5 (add $2 for shipping if needed) donation for these ornaments. We did these last year and they were a huge hit! We can make custom sizes and colors if you have a specific want too. Just donate to us via PayPal and add "ornament" in the comments of the donation! You'll need to email me your address when you are done at elizabeth.g.hoos@gmail.com

5. Pray for us. Give up a few minutes today sometime to pray for our journey. We have a long winding path ahead of us as a family and we appreciate your prayers more than you know! Simply comment on this post "Praying" when you pray so we know!

6. Interested in essential oils? Email me at elizabeth.g.hoos@gmail.com to learn more about Young Living Essential Oils OR follow this link to signup and change your life for the better today!! All the money I make in commissions is going directly into our adoption fund! Anytime you buy any essential oils you'll be helping us get closer to bring our son home!

7. Have a direct sales or home business? We would love to be the recipient of a fundraiser on our behalf. We've had people donate a % of their profits from a day. Donate all the commissions from a home party to our fund. Last adoption someone let us put a change jar on their store counter to collect for us.

That's 7 ways to help us. Some tangible, some not. All equally amazing and powerful. Any questions about those ways feel free to email me at elizabeth.g.hoos@gmail.com!!

Obligatory Adorable Photo of our Family!

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