Wednesday, August 28, 2013


(I'm about to ramble. Just hold on, it's a bumpy ride)

The hardest part of choosing to adopt the way we have is not knowing "when". Most agencies have wait lists and the higher you get on the wait list the closer you know you are coming to your child. With this "private" or "independent" adoption we have no time frame. Our orphanage selects families through prayer (how cool is that) and so you can be chosen right after you get approved or months down the road.

I am a self admitted "planner". You could call me a prepper, I like to make sure I have everything I need in the what-if's. I make lists and use calenders and even though I still miss things I try really hard not to. With not knowing when we will be bringing our baby home I am on hyper drive. We haven't even really officially been put on the orphanage's list yet and I am already planning. I made a packing list, I figured out what we would do with the dogs while we are gone (any volunteers to house sit? lol), I planned out our departure and return (gotta stop in LA for a day or two so mum and pops can meet the so far faceless (not nameless HEHE, for now I'm calling him Ichibod, we'll reveal the name when we have a face!) child we have all been loving for so long), I even brainstormed what I want for a baby shower, and then I cried over my journal entry for the day.

Basically I am realizing this is actually going to happen. We are homestudy ready, our i600a (immigration paperwork) is ready to be sent, we are collecting what dossier paperwork I know we need, and we're also getting ready for an infant to live with us. Since we thought we would be fostering before we ended up with an adoption we got bunkbeds setup in the nursery, WELL long story short the fostering is being put on hold, so the bunk beds have to come down! Then I get to decorate the room we'll be bringing our sweet firstborn into when we come home (in pirates of course!)!

Then there's the finances. We still have no clue exactly how much this will cost (obviously less then our previous adoption attempts) so I am constantly worrying we won't have enough.

I'm fairly certain the above is just a snippet of what my mind has been like for the last month. I've been all over the place! I believe it's a condition I have named "Adoption Brain". Similar to pregnancy brain only more scattered and less mush. It's hard to think straight when half your heart is on the other side of the world!

Joshua 1:9.

1 comment:

  1. Hugs. and Prayers. Lots of prayers for peace, and finances.

    God's got this.
