Monday, August 19, 2013

What Kimby, Dingo, and Hank have to say about getting little brothers!

We have three fur babies. They have been getting all the attention for three years now and so I interviewed the three of them about their feelings on our adoption. (this is a joke btw... For those without a funny bone, I don't really talk to my dogs about their opinions...)

First off is America's favorite Heinz 57 hound Kimby
Me: Kimby, do you want a little brother or 2?
Kimby: Ruff. Only if they let me sleep all day long and don't stick their fingers up my nose!
Me: Fingers up your nose?
Kimby: or clip my nails.
Me: Do you need to go back to bed?
Kimby: NO!!! But I want to sleep on the couch.

This is Kimby sleeping in a carseat on the way home from the Kennel
So Kimby seems to not care. He has always been the one who is only serious about not going to his room...

Next up was Dingo.
Me: Dingo, what will you do first when you meet your new brothers?
Dingo: I lick. I love licking. They need to smell like me so I lick them. A BUTTERFLY!!!
Me: Can we focus here Dingo?
Dingo: You need licked. Let me lick you.
Me: Dingo, I'm trying to ask you some serious questions here.
Dingo: Will they let me lick them? If not no brothers. I like to lick noses. Will they have noses? 
Me: I think we're done here
Dingo: NO! MORE LICKS!!!!

Protecting the house from evil butterflies!

Dingo has a slight obsession with putting his tongue on EVERYTHING.

Last, but certainly not least, is Hank.

Me: Ok, Hank can I sit next to you while we talk.
Hank: No. 
Me: Ok then I will be over here. What do you think it will be like having little brothers?
Hank: I think it will be glorious! I can protect them from bad things like the neighbor coming up the driveway, and fireworks. BARK AT ALL THE THINGS!
Me: But what if they are sleeping? If you bark they'll wake up!
Hank: GOOD! They must be alerted of the danger of a butterfly flying outside my window!
Me: What about playing with them, will you play soft?
Hank: Yes. Unless I am tired then I must be left to grovel in my pity. 
Me: Pity? Oh Hank...
Hank: BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK There's a squirrel within 10 square miles of the house. I must alert the troops!

Hank with the daycare kids

Hank is going to have so much fun with his kids. He's a healing puppy and who better to love a healing puppy than a healing child!

All things considered I think the dogs are going to love having kids to play with, herd, and have all kinds of shenanigans with. I look forward to the kids wearing the dogs out. I used to worry about them and how they would react to having kids here all the time but I'm not too worried about it anymore! We'll certainly have a full house! With lots of chewed up toys!

1 comment:

  1. This is great!! Love it! Can't wait for the baby(ies) to arrive.

    Ruff Ruff! Whoof! Lick, Lick!
