Monday, November 4, 2013

Pack Pony Push, Pack Pony Pull

I wrote a big long blog post about pack ponies, and carts, and pulling and pushing. While I was writing it I get sidetracked like I usually do and came to this conclusion:
Some mom's have stretch marks on their bellies. Mine are on my heart and soul. Some dads have finger nail marks from moms in labor, Kevin's marks are inside where you can't see them.
Adoption is hard and we can't do it without the support of our friends, family, and church family. So please say a prayer for us regularly, share our fundraisers, and ask us how we're doing every once in a while (like legitimate "how are you's" not "how ru's"). Be prepared for legitimate answers too.

See how short that was!? My mind took about five pages typed to get to that conclusion! If you're curious about pack ponies the picture came to me when I was reading the kids this book:

Which, if you buy using the link above we get a portion of the sale directly to our adoption account! I smell Christmas coming :) (Amazon Affiliate Program- Hoos Adoption Fundraiser use this link to shop Amazon and we get a portion of your purchase! Feel free to share the link with your friends and family!)

Thank you to those who have been our "Pack Ponies"! (That's a legitimate "Thank you" not a "thx")

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