Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Thankfulness is something it's easy to have on the inside for me but I rarely ever show it on the outside. So, today I am going to write down 28 things I am thankful for. (In no particular order)

  1. Kevin. Tomorrow is our 5th wedding anniversary. We've grown up together and continue to grow each day. I am so thankful God had us cross paths!
  2. Our daughter. Even though Kora is halfway around the world I am already so thankful for what our journey to her has taught me about myself and others. I wouldn't want to find parenthood any other way!
  3. My house. Knowing people who don't have a home makes me appreciate mine that much more.
  4. Honduras. My family there have taught me to be joyful in heart ache and ever encouraging. 
  5. Jamaica. The laid back lifestyle is contagious and I still hold on to it a lot bit!
  6. Haiti. Met my good buddy Nat Thomas through Haiti and I wouldn't be the same without him and his pretty wife Brenee :)
  7. Good friends. There's nothing like an adoption that will show you who your friends are, and we are blessed with some great ones!
  8. Food. Cause I love to eat. Our freezer is always full and our cabinets always stocked.
  9. Pets. Nothing like a dog to cheer you up on a bad day!
  10. My job. I LOVE caring for these kids, even if they drive me up a wall I love them each so very much!
  11. Family. My family has been there for me through it all!
  12. In Laws. I always say I have the best in laws, but you know what? It's so true! 
  13. Engineering. Because without it we wouldn't know some of the best people in the world! (see #7)
  14. My "sisters". Because blood may not connect us but inside we know we were meant to be! 
  15. Lists. I am a list maker, in fact, I make lists of my lists (<- True fact)
  16. Ice Cream. Whether its a liquid or a solid doesn't matter when you are enjoying its frozen goodness!
  17. Clothing. Because I am cold all the time!
  18. Cloth Diapers. They've helped me meet amazing people and are helping bring our daughter home!
  19. Sewing. Without Serenity (and season 2) I would be an emotional mess! I sew to calm myself down.
  20. Facebook. Because instead of talking to myself I can talk to stalking acquaintances! LOL
  21. Journals. Because Facebook doesn't listen very well and my journals do.
  22. Writing. I suck at punctuation but LOVE to write!
  23. My relationship with my savior. Because I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for the hope I have in Christ!
  24. British Television. I may be a little obsessed with QI and Doctor Who. 
  25. Firefly. Because Firefly.
  26. My church family. They've helped my scars heal and gave me a place to feel at home again!
  27. Soccer. The game that shaped my life and gave me purpose early in life. A passion that will never die. I'm still a goalkeeper at heart (and in my brain...)
  28. YOU! You've read my blogs and been there for me when times were uncertain. Some days it felt like we'd never be parents and now that dream is coming real and you've been there to see it happen! So thank you! 

So there you have it, 28 things I am thankful for! That was easier than I thought it would be! I still have more! HAHA!

Have a great Thanksgiving! Praying we are a family of three by next Thanksgiving!

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