Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Sooooooo, here's an update on us!

Our Adoption Timeline So Far;
Starting trying to have kids naturally November 2008
Diagnosed with Male and Female factor infertility November 2011
February 2012- Took foster classes from Greene County
July 16th, 2012- Contracted with AGCI Ethiopia
September 2013- Ended contract with AGCI, began exploring Taiwan
November 10th, 2013- Chose to adopt a sweet one year old girl from the Democratic Republic of the Congo!

That’s right, you read that right. We are VERY proud and happy to announce we're in the process of accepting a referral of a PRECIOUS angel from the DRC! Her first birthday was on Monday (if you want to send us birthday cards for her for her baby box feel free to do so!!!)!

Unfortunately the reality of adoption is WAITING. We will be waiting for about a year for all the government red tape to be cleared and to travel to get her. While she waits for us to bring her home we ask you pray for her and for us. Having half my heart in a country where making it to your 5th birthday is a miracle is very scary! We will have lots of opportunities for financial help in the next year so keep your eyes peeled! We cannot share photos just yet so if you’re curious about how beautiful she is (trust me, she’s gorgeous) let me know and I’ll get with you about seeing her picture!

We're beyond excited, but cautious as well. Adoptions in the DRC are very fragile and fluid. We're putting our hope in the fact that God has brought us this far and He will see us through! 

Our next step is to get our Dossier and the payment that goes along with it to our agency! Then the massive wait game starts! 12 months is a long time in the life of a little girl!

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